Science helps students understand new concepts, make well-informed decisions and pursue new interests in their lives. In the presence of the family and the...
”Open Day”’ School is an event where new students and their parents have the opportunity to visit our school and learn more about the programs we offer. They...
Sports Day is a fun-filled day where students participate in various physical activities and sports competitions. It fosters teamwork, physical fitness, and healthy competition...
It is time for a festive and entertaining event, perfect for gathering around and watch out talented students performing plays and singing. This combination...
Students are celebrating Saudi National Day💚. With all enthusiasm and hope that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia remains dazzling today, held high and prosperous...
Warmest congratulations on their achievement! We extend our deepest gratitude to our students for their hard work, enthusiasm, and positive attitude that has made...
Theatre simultaneously involves body, mind, relational sphere and sensitivity. The workshop gave the opportunity for students and teachers to learn the basic techniques of...